Samsung INR18650-30Q 3000mAh (Pink)
Official specifications:
- Initial IR (1kHz): <18mOhm
- Initial IR (DC): <30mOhm
- Charge method: CC-CV (4.2V+/-0.05V, 100mA cut-off)
- Standard charge current: 1.5A
- Fast charge current: 4A
- End voltage: 2.5V
- Max. continuous current: 15A
- Rated discharge capacity (0.2C): 3000mAh
- Rated discharge capacity (10A): 2700mAh
- Cycle life: 300 cycles to 70% (4A charge and 15A discharge)
- Cycle life: 250 cycles to 70% (4A charge and 22A discharge, pause at 70°C, resume at 50°C)
Modern high current cells with lots of capacity.
Very good discharge curves, capacity is nearly constant and they track perfectly. Even the 20A curve maintains a decent voltage, but as can be seen below the cell gets warm.
The tail on some curves is because I continue to record after stopping the discharge (If the cell is hot), i.e. it shows how much the voltage recovers.
The cell will heat up at a 10A load, but it is rated for it.
The cell can also handle 20A for some time, but you are supposed to stop when it gets hot (As I do here).
Remember the chart shows above ambient temperature, the actual cell temperature goes above 75°C.
This cell is very good, it can handle about 15A continuous discharge and has no problems with 20A pulses.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries